
The assessment of the analysis results constitutes an important aspect of the entire simulation process. The PostProcessor allows you to view the results in the ASCII (text) format and/or the graphics format. DyRoBeS©_Rotor provides a large number of post processing tools for graphically displaying the results. You can open the Child Windows (PostProcessor graphics) as many as you like to help you to interpret and understand the analysis results. When you open a post processing Child Window, some default initial settings are used to display the results. To modify these settings, select the Settings under the Options to make necessary changes. Whenever possible, Scale Factor is introduced in the Settings. This scale factor allows you to change their Y axis data scale, such as changing units from inches to mils or to mm, from mm to inches, etc. A new feature Export Data has been also implemented in Version 6.0, this option allows you to export the graphic data into an ASCII text file so you can plot this data using other graphic software. You are strongly recommended to try the graphic Settings under the Options menu to see their effects and to resize the Child Window to redraw (update) the picture. Animation can be an excellent tool to understand the rotor behavior. Whenever possible, animation is provided in the postprocessor.

For better understanding the analysis results, please refer to the book by Chen and Gunter (2005).

The following is a list of the post processing graphic features:

Lateral Vibration Analysis

Static Deflection

Critical Speed Mode Shapes

Critical Speed Energy Distribution

Critical Speed Modal Stress

Critical Speed Map

Whirl Speed Map

Stability Map

Root Locus Plot

3D Precessional Mode Shape

Bode Plot

Polar Plot

Elliptical Orbit Axes Plot

Responses at Multiple Stations

Shaft Response – 3D Animation

Displacement Orbit at Single Station

Bearing/Support Transmitted Forces

Element Shear Forces and Moments

Time Transient Shaft Response

Time Transient X-Y Plot

Transient Response vs. Time (or Speed)

FFT Spectrum

Bearing Reaction Forces

Time Transient Speed vs. Time

Steady Harmonic Response

Steady Maneuver Load Response

Torsional Vibration Analysis

Torsional Frequency Interference Diagram

Torsional Mode Shapes

Torsional Modal Stress

Torsional Steady State Response

Torsional Steady State Element Vibratory Torque

Torsional Steady State Element Vibratory Stress

Torsional Steady State Excitations

Torsional Transient Response (Time Dependent Excitations)

Torsional Transient Response - Displacement

Torsional Transient Response - Velocity

Torsional Transient Element Deflection

Torsional Transient Element Deflection

Torsional Transient Element Vibratory Torque

Torsional Transient Element Vibratory Stress

Torsional Transient Applied Torques

Torsional Transient Response FFT Analysis

Torsional Transient Response (Speed Dependent Excitations)

Torsional Startup Speed vs. Time

Torsional Startup Transient Element Deflection

Torsional Startup Transient Element Vibratory Torque

Torsional Startup Transient Element Vibratory Stress

Torsional Startup Driving and Load Torques

Axial Vibration Analysis

Axial Frequency Interference Diagram

Axial Mode Shapes

Axial Steady State Response

Axial Steady State Element Vibratory Force

Axial Steady State Excitations

The following figure shows the various options for post processing.

The line Control Data allows you to change the line thickness and color. The plotted curves on a laser printer or ink jet printer will not be as thick as the lines shown on the computer screen. Therefore, if a hardcopy from printers is needed, the line thickness should be increased. The lines may appear too thick on the computer screen, but it will result in a more satisfactory graphical printout. See Graphic Preferences Settings under Project.

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