News from Dyrobes Training in Capon Springs, and a New Paper on Atkins and Perez Rotor Stability

The Fall Dyrobes Users Group met on October 15-19, 2017, at Capon Springs, WV, USA. Dyrobes users met for advanced modeling instruction, to review new Dyrobes features and to work on individual projects. These individual industry projects included modeling and analyzing turbo chargers, gas turbines, and turbo compressors. Participants at the workshop appreciated the opportunities to work on their Dyrobes models and analysis with one-on-one access to Dyrobes experts. As one participant noted, “… having access to this incredible brain trust is like getting thousands of dollars of free consulting.”
Among the papers and presentations delivered at the workshop, Dr. Edgar J. Gunter presented a new research paper entitled “Review of Atkins and Perez Rotor Stability Tests with Various Five-Pad-Tilting-Pad Bearings” The paper reviews issues for the use of 5-pad bearings in compressors and uses Dyrobes to explain why the 3-pad or 4-pad bearings have superior design characteristics.
Other recent papers available:
- “Kaybob Revisited: What We Have Learned About Compressor Stability From Self-excited Whirling,” Edgar J. Gunter & John Waite, 2016.
- “Dynamic Stability and Whirl Motion of Large Diesel Engine Turbochargers in Floating Bush and Multi-Lobed Bearings,” Edgar J. Gunter & Brian K. Weaver, 2016.