Category: Notable Papers
New Paper on Wind Turbine Reliability by Dr. Edgar Gunter
Wind turbines have been heralded as an important solution to increasing shortages in the U.S. power grid. Unfortunately, wind turbines have been experiencing high levels of mechanical failures. This paper examines the causes of these failures and the implications for the future of the U.S. energy supply. “US Energy Sources For Electric Power Generation and Wind Turbine Reliability Problems“, (PDF), Edgar J. Gunter. Introduction to the paper In Dyrobes news, […]
Video & Paper: Ekofisk Revisited – Bearing Optimization for Improved Rotor Stability
Ekofisk Revisited – Bearing Optimization for Improved Rotor Stability E.J. Gunter’s 2020 paper on the Ekofisk incident Video presentation by Erik Swanson of Xdot Engineering Consulting on Dr. Gunter’s paper (PowerPoint PDF download provided below): PowerPoint PDF from Erik Swanson’s talk. More about Xdot Engineering and Erik Swanson.
News from Dyrobes Training in Capon Springs, and a New Paper on Atkins and Perez Rotor Stability
The Fall Dyrobes Users Group met on October 15-19, 2017, at Capon Springs, WV, USA. Dyrobes users met for advanced modeling instruction, to review new Dyrobes features and to work on individual projects. These individual industry projects included modeling and analyzing turbo chargers, gas turbines, and turbo compressors. Participants at the workshop appreciated the opportunities to work on their Dyrobes models and analysis with one-on-one access to Dyrobes experts. As […]
The Kaybob Compressor Failure Revisited
In 1971, there was a major problem at the Kaybob South Beaverhill Lake plant in Fox Creek, Alberta. A massive compressor, comprised of three natural gas re-injection trains, became dangerously unstable and failed. To address the problem, teams of engineers spent more than five months and one hundred million modern U.S. dollars to fix the problem. The months of troubleshooting that followed the Kaybob failure demonstrate the critical importance of […]